Look for the helpers.


So, about that toad.

For two consecutive evenings a few summers ago, I heard a tapping noise at my front entrance. As it turns out, a toad was leaping and throwing itself at my front door. 

I had to answer! 

While interpretations vary to some degree, the toad symbolizes change and reinvention. The toad can be an indicator that you may be at a crossroads in your life (I was) with great opportunities for success waiting on the other side of tasks that may not be enjoyable. A time for both deep self-reflection and action may be called for. 

Toads continue to show up for me. Sometimes the message seems to be,  pause and look around you and sometimes I hear hop lightly. The most important aspect is that toads now contain meaning for me and whenever I see them, there is a sweet sense of comfort as well.  

I encourage you to stay open for signs from your “toad”. It could be an animal. It could be a word, object, number or colour. Whatever speaks to you and causes you to pause is probably something you should pay attention to and take a bit of time to reflect on possible meaning. 

Does something need to change in your life?

Ultimately, I don’t believe that you need to change who you are but rather it is the nature of the relationship with yourself that may require transformation. From there, anything is possible.

Open the door. 


When They Leave …